I am delighted to introduce the worth name in computer education as TLF Computer Academyto bring out your dreams close to reality in professional life and skills.
In the era science and technology, computereducation is the integral part of every profession. Every has to build their capacities on computer as the virtual utility device and explore the skills in their own field of specialization, to explore and demonstrate the professionals’ capacities such capacity building programs,short and long term courses,vocational education programs etc has designed with a rigorouscombination of practical relevancies that the student can prove their selves and contribute in reality. The faculty at TLFComputer Academyis highly qualified, experienced,energetic and committed,that makes a speciality with IT.
I believe in student centered approach sothat the problems , needs and priority issues can be addressed in participatory manner that will dealt with efficiency in work.For many people the computer education is unaffordable,but our efforts is to make it choice matter,and widel available for mass rather just focusing to a particular section of society.
I am confidant with the programs and courses offered,you really be bonafide.
Wish you allthe success in your professional carrier.
A k Gautam
The country (india) is developing day by day very rapidly,whichrequires a lot “Man Power” as well as the asset and strength of the country & the business organizations like education & Training,Man Power Development etc.are most lucrative one .In today’s age information Technology,Management,Technical Educatio related industries are up grading & growing over 35% every year.The Computers are palying the vital role in today’s world which relates not only organizational work scenario,but also in the homes and small offices too.Within to fulfill this aggregate requirements day by day companies & big organization requiring very large man power to fulfill & the institutes or educational engineering schools are even not capable to fulfill the requirements as well as the demand.Therefore a lot grap between the both (demand &supply)gaps.
This makes IT Educational & management Educations as one of the Best Business opportunities of today.Following are some key benefits of tie hands with T.L.F.Computer Academy an ISO 9001-2015 Certified Organization.